Friday, March 4, 2011

growing up faster than I wanted to?

Alrighty.  I interviewed at Indiana State last Friday, and unfortunately, while I was there, I loved it.  I saw unfortunately because I had kind of decided after my rejection from UMSL that maybe this isn't the year for me. Dan just bought his house, and I have a job at Chestnut that I love.  Maybe I am supposed to hang out in STL and play house?  But when I got there, I thought it was a great program, and it re-ignited my desire to go to graduate school and follow my dreams.

Today I heard back.  I am an alternate.  Basically they had about 30 people go and interview, offered the spots to 8 students, and told 20 of us that we are alternates.  They don't say if you're the top of the alternate list or #20, but the people that were offered spots have until April 15th to accept or decline the spots.  Some may do it sooner, but there's a chance I won't know whether I even have the option of going until April 15th.  The stubborn girl in me wants to say "if I'm not a first choice, it's your loss," but I am torn.  Again, I may not have to make a decision, but if I do have to decide, I don't know what I'll do.

The rejection involved in this has been extremely difficult for me.  I know I am not supposed to take it personally, but having a 3.9GPA and having always done well at everything I put my mind to, I can't help but take it personally.  It has been very difficult.