Monday, October 24, 2011


This past Thursday, I turned 23.  22 was such a life-changing year, and I am grateful it is over.  There were some great things that happened -- I graduated college, Dan bought a house for us to live in, I got a pretty good starting job, and I got a puppy that I love.  Plus many other things, I am sure.  There were also the negative aspects.  Most importantly, not getting into graduate school.  I say this is negative because it went against my "plan," but what do I know?  Since I didn't start grad school, I was able to move into this house with Dan and get a job that I really do enjoy.  Maybe 22 just wasn't the year for me to go to grad school...

I am excited to see what 23 will bring.

This weekend I also had the privilege of seeing a great friend get married.  It was a beautiful ceremony, and the love was radiating off both the bride and groom.  I was so honored to be there.  It's hard to believe my group of friends is getting to the age where more and more people will start tying the knot, but I guess we really are growing up and beginning our lives as adults.