Wednesday, May 28, 2014

hair color.

The other day, Dan and I stopped by Ulta because I decided on a whim while we were out and about that I needed a change. I have been growing my hair out, so I am NOT interested in cutting it. It is finally long enough that curls look good, not awkward. I have been waiting for this for a YEAR! Normally, when I want a change, I chop it off...but not this time.

I have never colored my own hair from a box. Boxed color has been used on my hair, but I always have a girlfriend for assistance. I had no faith in my ability to not miss a huge chunk of hair on the back of my head, and how embarrassing would that be?!

So we are at Ulta, and I am trying to decide what brand/color to try out. I picked one up and was looking at the back where it has the "if your hair is this color, this is how your hair will look after using this" section. I like to think of my natural hair as a beautiful, light, strawberry blonde. Sometimes it needs some help in the strawberry department, though, so I chose a strawberry blonde to put in my hair. I am looking at the back, Dan is all, "well, your hair is this dark blonde, right? so it will look like this."

If looks could kill.

Dark blonde? Are you kidding me! That little box of hair looked UGLY. No life. No real color. I couldn't believe he said that to me! I was in the middle of throwing a fit about how ridiculously wrong he was when I pulled up my hair to SHOW him my hair was clearly more like the center, pretty color displayed. Well, that backfired. My hair blended right into the "dark blonde" category. The satisfaction on his face was sickening.


I bought the color, though, and came home and put it in, no problem! It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself!
my natural color
post color! (excuse the crazy picture)