Friday, January 31, 2014

#jmdvdchallenge final update



Fri 1/24 - rest day (first rest day of Jan!)
Sat 1/25 - Shredded in 30 level 3
Sun 1/26 - Ripped in 30 level 4
Mon 1/27 - Ripped in 30 level 4
Tues 1/28 - Shredded in 30 level 3
Wed 1/29 - Ripped in 30 level 4
Thurs 1/30 - Ripped in 30 level 4

That is 30 days dedicated to Jillian!  I am super proud of myself for sticking with this!  The progress pictures show no progress.  haha.  The scale shows I am down 2 lbs for the month.  I ate horribly more days than not this month, so I am not surprised, but it is motivating to do even better with my food choices next month!

I am resting today, but I will be continuing with working out nearly every day.  Hopefully I will be able to incorporate more running into my schedule again!

Here's to continued good choices in February! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

first interview secured!

This morning I received a call from a district in the STL area...I got a phone interview!  People, I cannot tell you the relief that I feel.  It is so good to know that my resume looks good to at least one district.  I am pretty confident that it will also look good to other districts in the area, now!  Over the next few weeks, I am hoping to apply to 7-10 potential internship locations.  I want to apply to a variety so that I will hopefully get more interviews.  In an ideal world, I will then have my choice between two or three districts to work for/have my internship with, so this is a good start!

My confidence is higher, now!  I will have good news from other districts after ISPA this week!  I will get an awesome internship opportunity!



Saturday, January 25, 2014

Follow through Saturday ... ?

Hey, all!  Yesterday was a full day for this lady!  Up at 5:40 (suuuuper early for me!) to get ready for practicum.  I was there all day doing cool school psych stuff ;)  After, I headed straight to Springfield to see my brother and his family.  My niece had her small birthday party with her friends from school, so I went up to the ice rink to visit / help with Brenna Bug.  aka I use any excuse to snuggle that sweet girl and to laugh at the adorable things Miss Aidan says!

just up from her nap.
didn't move an inch!  Just barely opened an eye!
birthday girl skating with daddy!
kisses for the sweet bug!
I got home a little after 11pm, so I didn't have a date with Jilly Bean.  It was totally worth it, though.  That beautifully sweet girl gives me baby fever!  She is the most precious little smiley girl (though not obvious in these pictures...)  Aunt Trisha has to graduate, Bug!  Stop tempting me!

Anyway - time for the #jmdvdchallenge update!

Fri 1/17 - JM Shredded in 30 level 2
Sat 1/18 - JM Ripped in 30 level 3 AND ran a mile
Sun 1/19 - JM Shredded in 30 levels 1 AND 2
Mon 1/20 - JM Shredded in 30 level 3
Tues 1/21 - JM Shredded in 30 level 3
Wed 1/22 - JM Ripped in 30 level 3
Thurs 1/23 - JM Ripped in 30 level 3
Fri 1/24 - first rest day of Jan!
Sat 1/25 - JM Shredded in 20 level 3

That brings me to 25/30 days of Ms Jillian DONE-ZO!  5 days to go!  I am not expecting to see major results from this because I have still really been struggling with what I am eating, but I did do better this week!  Right now, I am just really proud of myself for sticking with this.  My goal this month was to make working out a habit.  I am not there, yet.  Tonight, I REALLY didn't feel like getting off the couch, but I did.  This week, I woke up twice at 6am JUST to work out.  I am getting there.  Slowly but surely.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

the struggle is real.

The food struggle, that is.  

I am a lover of ice cream, white potatoes, pasta, red meat, bread, starbucks, etc.  But mostly ice cream.  And potatoes.

Eating clean isn't a goal for me.  I never envision myself cutting out all things processed, but I do really hope to fuel my body better.  One of my goals of 2014 is to WANT to eat well and to enjoy it.  So far, I am struggling with this.

I would rather workout for HOURS a day (though I don't...) than not have a bowl of ice cream for a week.  Dan is the opposite.  Whenever I actually get him to workout, he decides he will just eat "healthy" for a week. 

BUT!  I really want to find things that I enjoy that are super healthy.  Though I don't plan on being a "clean eater," I do want to eat a lot more unprocessed, good-for-me foods.  I just don't really know where to start...and I don't really feel like figuring it out right now.  I am a walking contradiction, people!  

Typically, I take things one thing at a time.  I have training in child psychology...I know that behaviors are HARD to change, so I don't want to bite off more than I can chew.  After a couple months of being lazy, I am back on the workout train, and I think I am starting to make a habit out of it again.  This past week, I have been tracking more on mfp.  Most days, I am over my calories, but at least I am looking at that again.  My current goal is to get back in the habit of being under my calories.  Then, I will focus on making some clean swaps.  (I say that as I am sipping on my chai tea latte from sbux...walking. contradiction.)

Anyway, that's my goal.  Focus on being under my calories, with less focus on WHAT I am eating.  Once I get back in the swing of that, I can start making some even healthier swaps.

Is eating healthy the easy or hard part for you?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Did you read that title in the voice of the camel?  You better have!  That's how I intended it ;)

In all honesty, though, I am not super excited about this partial snow day.  I woke up bright and early (6am...that is SO early for me!) to get my workout on.  After I let the dogs out, I checked the school closings, and neither school nor my prac placement were closed, so I got a little sweat shesh in, showered, got dressed, changed my know how it goes.. THEN got a text from my prac supervisor saying the school district has a snow day.  I put on jeans faster than you can say "snow day!"

The "problem" is that throughout the semester, I need to get 180 hours at prac, so a snow day kind of throws a wrench in my plans to get those hours done.  Fingers crossed that I can make up some hours later in the semester because it is going to be close!

Plus, I still had to go to class this morning.  Joyful.  MO decided they weren't about to do a damn thing for the snow this morning.  Roads that are usually FINE after an inch of snow were HORRIBLE!  Thanks a lot!  My 30 min commute to IL took me about 50 min instead, so there's that...but it was OK.  Made it in one piece!

Also!  I am home early :)  So I can't really complain (though I will be in April when I am freaking out about hours!)

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Follow Through Friday - JM Challenge


Hello, hello!  Linking up with the lovely ladies above for another Follow Through Friday!

This week, I hurt my toe.  I know how ridiculous that sounds, but seriously, it hurt to walk.  Who knew a toe could wreck so much havoc?!  BUT!  I didn't let it stop me.  I did let it make me modify and choose slightly less intense workouts, but stop me, it did not!

Here is what I have been up to - 

Fri 1/10 - 30 Day Shred level 2
Sat 1/11 - Ripped in 30 level 2
Sun 1/12 - 30 Day Shred level 2
Mon 1/13 - 30 Day Shred level 2
Tues 1/14 - Ripped in 30 level 2
Wed 1/15 - JM Kickboxing workout 1
Thurs 1/16 - JM Kickboxing workouts 1 and 2

With classes starting back up for the semester, I am proud of myself for sticking with it!  I had to wake up early on Monday and Tuesday to make sure I got it in before work/class.  Currently at 18 days in a row of working out, and 17 days through the JM challenge!  Kind of bummed I didn't get a chance to run at all this week, but with my toe hurting, it just wasn't going to happen.

My toe is starting to feel better, so I think I am going to go back to the shred tonight.  Need to find the motivation after a long day ;)

Hope everyone else is sticking with their goals for the month!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

that time I kicked my dog...

Dan and I have two dogs.  My dog, Riley, is a chocolate lab mix, and she is my baby.  I am totally that pet mom that just thinks the world of that sweet puppy.  Dan's dog, Reese, is a border collie mix.  Reese is kind of an asshole.  Are you allowed to say that about dogs?  Don't get me wrong...I love him (usually), but he is just kind of a a teenager.  He "talks back" aka growls/barks when he is told no, and one time, he literally peed on the floor, stopped when I looked at him to see what sound I was hearing, and started again when I turned around.  He just likes to be a brat.  He is also extremely cuddly, with both of us and Riley.  He wants to cuddle, and he REALLY wants you to pet his belly.
sweet mama's girl ;)

the handsome pain in the butt!

this is Riley's, "why does he always want to cuddle?" face
So Reese sleeps with us.  Every.  Night.  Usually right between me and Dan, on his back, begging for his tummy to be rubbed.  Riley, on the other hand, typically refuses.  Riley will cuddle on the couch during the day, but at night, that girl likes to spread out on the carpet.  If she doesn't happen to get on the bed, it is just for a few minutes to say hi, then she is gone.

Two nights ago I was not sleeping very well at all, and as I was in and out of sleep, I was having some crazy dreams.  Apparently, I had a dream where I had to fight someone off, and I kicked...really hard...and hit a dog, and the dog immediately jumped off the bed.  I felt horrible because I would never purposely kick a dog!  But...I also kind of figured it was Reese, and let's be honest, he didn't really care.  I knew he would be right back up begging for cuddles.

Nope.  Riley had chosen to be on the bed at 5am...and I kicked her.  My sweet Riley that never wants to cuddle at night!  She was probably thinking "what the hell?!  this is why I NEVER sleep with you guys!"  My poor, sweet girl!

I think she has forgiven me ;)  my toe, however, has not!  For 3 days now, I have been limping around because bending my toes back (aka walking) hurts!  It is starting to feel better, thankfully!  I have had to modify so much Jillian because of it!  Hopefully it gets back to feeling good sooner, rather than later!

Monday, January 13, 2014

internship process - the beginning

In July, I will finish all of my graduate level classes, and beginning in August, I will be working full-time as a school psych intern at some unknown, but extremely lucky, ;) school district.  A year of internship is the final step in my graduate school career.  This process is extremely slightly intimidating, so I will probably be writing about it quite a bit until March 14, when the future will be revealed.

Basically, I will spend this month and the beginning of February applying to school districts in the St. Louis area, as well as a few back home.  Most districts that I apply to will be on the IL side of the river because, in all honesty, they are slightly ahead in the school psych game.  Interviews will begin Jan 31 in Springfield, with quick face-to-face interviews at the state school psych convention (yep, it exists).  Anyway, after the convention, I will hopefully get some calls for follow-up interviews.  If I am lucky, I will get an offer or two prior to the March 14 deadline.  I cannot accept an offer until that date.  Come March 14, I could have an offer that I am just waiting to accept, or I could have not heard from anyone, yet, and I would be just waiting for the phone to ring all day.  It will be a long, stressful day, I am sure.  Hopefully at the end of it, though, I will be EXTREMELY happy!

Currently, I am making a list of districts that I am planning on applying to, beginning cover letters, filling out online applications, and seeking letters of recommendation.  I will take any good vibes you can spare as this process gets rolling!  

Thursday, January 9, 2014

JM update!

Edit:  I wrote this yesterday (Thursday), but I figured I would link up with Follow Through Friday!

We are already 9 days into January!  (Happy birthday to my big brother!)  So far, I am keeping up with my "resolutions," especially with working out and finding something I enjoy doing to keep me moving my body.

Since Dec 30, I have worked out EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  That's 11 days in a row, friends!  I already updated about 12/30-1/3 here.  Since then, I have been doing ...

Sat 1/4 - JM Kickbox FastFix (I did workouts 1 and 2)
Sun 1/5 - JM 30 Day Shred level 1
Mon 1/6 - JM 30 Day Shred level 1
Tues 1/7 - JM Ripped in 30 level 1 AND 1 mile "run"
Wed 1/8 - JM Kickbox FastFix (workouts 1 and 2)
Thurs 1/9 - JM 30 Day Shred level 2!  (movin' on up!)

My body is feeling it, but not too bad.  I don't feel like I am overdoing it, but I do feel like I am getting a good workout each time I do a video.  The variety of workouts available is really nice because I get super bored doing the same thing each day.  Currently, I think my favorite is the kickboxing video because it goes so quickly and I get a GREAT calorie burn!  Each workout is definitely transforming my body, though, and I can tell I am getting stronger.

I started a few days early, so I am 10 days into 30 days of Jillian, so I only have 20 days to go!  After this, I am thinking of starting her body revolution program!  We'll see how I feel at the end of the month, though ;)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

beginning of the end

The wonderfulness that is Christmas break is quickly coming to an end.  I really can't complain, I have had an entire month off (by the time we go back on Monday), but damnit...I make a good stay at home wife.  I haven't really cleaned...and I have barely cooked...but I have watched a ton of wonderful TV, worked out a ton, and read for fun.  It would be nice to do this forever!  Maybe until we have kids?  Then I should probably work and let someone else stay with them 8 hours out of the day ;)  (only kind of kidding!)

Anyway!  Next week, we will begin the last stretch of our classes!  25 weeks more of my life, then more more classes.  FOR-EVVVVV-ERRRR!  Beginning in August, I will (God willing) have an internship placement where I will be working full-time as a school psych!

Today, I submitted my first application for that process!  It feels almost strange to have my resume as updated as it will be and ready to send out!  Fingers crossed that I get an offer (or two) on 3/15 so that I know where I will be next year!

5 classes, 180 hours of practicum, a thesis, and a year of internship.

I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Jillian 30 day DVD challenge

Quick recap...I started 2013 at 130lbs (I am 4'10...that is overweight, nearly obese on any BMI chart).   For the wedding in June, and up until Sept/Oct-ish I was 110lbs (which is a normal BMI), and I was happy with that.  Then life got in the way, I didn't feel like working out, blah blah blah.  Moral of the story?  I am starting 2014 at 120lbs (which puts me right back in the "overweight" category).

How frustrating to work so hard for 10 months to lose 20lbs and then gain 10lbs back!  I am not pleased with the scale currently, that's for sure.  This year, I want to find a passion to work out!  Supposedly it takes 4 months (or something...I may just be making that up) to form a habit, but I can tell you that even after 10, working out wasn't a habit for me.  Obviously.  That's why it was so easy to bounce back up 10lbs!

So when I saw @hollystanfield and @missmel_joy announce the 30 day Jilliam Michaels DVD challenge on instagram, I figured I should jump on board!  

I haven't felt like running for months, so hopefully finding SOMETHING to do each day will get me back in the swing of things and encourage me to start running a bit more.  So far, I have worked out 5 days in a row!  I am proud of that!

Mon 12/30 - jogged and sprints on the treadmill
Tues 12/31 - JM 30 Day Shred Level 1
Wed 1/1 (HAPPY NEW YEAR!) - JM 30 Day Shred Level 1
Thurs 1/2 - JM 30 Day Shred Level 1 AND A MILE "RUN" !!!!!
Fri 1/3 - JM Ripped in 30 Level 1

My body is feeling it, that's for sure!  But I am actually looking forward to the workouts, and I can't help but love waking up a bit sore.  It is nice to KNOW it must be doing SOMETHING to my muscles!

26 more days of Jillian to go!  Excited to see how it changes my body!  Let's do this :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Goals

Resolutions are hard...  I am bad at making them.  I am bad at keeping them.  But all the resolution talk at the beginning of the year makes me feel obligated to at least try!

In 2014 I hope to - 

- spend more time focusing on and doing things that make me happy, while spending A LOT less time focusing on the things that bring me down
- focus on my faith more
- pay off 1 of my student loans ( of the "small" ones...)
- read more books for fun
- lose 10-15 lbs and TONE UP!  (I had to...)
- related to my weight, I hope to finally find some enjoyment in eating healthy and working out! (I have worked out consistently for a year, and I STILL dread every workout :/ )

Happy New Year!  Be the person you want to be this year!