Saturday, December 31, 2011

reflecting on 2011

The end of the year always makes me reflect.  I guess it's good that we have the chance to do it each's definitely necessary.  2011 was definitely not the worst year of my life, but it doesn't stand out as the best, either, which I guess is OK.

There were some pretty low points throughout the year -- My grandmother passed away.  I realized that my dream of becoming a Clinical Psychologist was not beginning this year.  I spent half of the year thousands of miles away from my little brother.  My Sammy kitty passed away. I found out that my grandfather has cancer again.

And though all of those things were challenging, I think I came out of the year stronger because of so many wonderful blessings.  My family is closer than ever before, and I have been reminded of how strong and great my brothers are.  I witnessed people I care about start their lives together.  I grew closer with friends I have had for a long time.  I started a job with the best co-workers a girl could ask for, and it allows me to gain an insane amount of experience working with an extremely challenging population.  Dan bought a house this year, and I have been lucky enough to help him decorate and make it a home.  Riley joined my life, and even though she is a dog, she has definitely reminded me how to love.  I know there have been more blessings, but of course trying to list them all becomes extremely difficult.

Lately, I have been most grateful for my family.  I was lucky enough to go with my parents to Florida to visit Josh for Thanksgiving.  It was by far one of the most random Thanksgivings that I have had; however, I was so happy to spend that weekend with Josh.  I am so proud of the man he has become.  For Christmas, Josh was able to come home for 10 days.  It was the first time in over 6 months my entire family was able to spend time together, and it was absolutely amazing.  I am so happy that we are all able to be in the same room together and laugh and love each other.

I am hopeful 2012 will be just as good to me as 2011.  I have plans to go back to school -- most likely to a counseling program.  It is lucky that I have a job, but I am not convinced it's the job that I want for the rest of my life, so I plan to do what I can to change my circumstances because doing the same thing will get me the same results. :)  For now, all I know is that I have an amazing family, a great boyfriend, wonderful friends, and awesome pets that remind me daily how lucky I am.