Sunday, September 28, 2014

21 day fix.

Today I ordered the 21 Day Fix. I have been thinking about it for awhile, but I didn't make the jump because it seemed silly to spend $60 on tupperware when I can OBVIOUSLY handle portion control on my own.

Except I can't.

If I could, I wouldn't weigh MORE than I did when this year began. Last year, before our wedding, I lost 20 lbs. I kept most of it off until the holidays, but by January, I was back up 10 lbs. At the beginning of the year, I got back into working out regularly. On average, I work out 5 days a week. Consistently. Here I am sitting a good 5lbs heavier than I was on January 1. And no, it's not muscle. I mean, I guess there is a chance some of it is, but I also know I have gotten a good amount of flab back on my stomach that I had lost.

I don't care what the number on the scale is. Thankfully, I don't have an obsession with that. But I do use it as a tool to gauge where I am. Would I like it to read 110 lbs like it did the week I was married? Of course. I would also like it to read 105...haha. But if I get back down to 115 and my clothes fit better, and I don't have to pull my shirt off my fat when I sit down, I can live with that!

For the past 9 months, I have done the 30 Day Shred, T 25, HIIT, running, weights, other workout videos. I can do that. But I can't dedicate myself to not putting crap in my body.

So I ordered the 21 Day Fix because I need something more structured to follow. I am excited to give it a shot because I know I can do anything for 3 weeks. I will want to eat out. I will want starbucks. (And I think I can do that on the plan...? maybe? ...I still need to do some research, obviously.) But even if I can't, it's 3 weeks! And if I can, at least it will help to teach me some moderation.

If anyone has any good 21 day fix recipes, I would love for you to share!  ...or just any clean recipes that you love! I am always wanting to try new things at home :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

it's Fall!

The past couple of days, we have had 60 degree weather. I am a happy girl! All things fall make me smile :) With these beautiful fall temps (I am trying not to dread winter and just enjoy NOW), we have been pretty busy!

First I need to catch up on the end of Summer!

Back in July, Brenna Bug turned 1! It has been so fun watching her grow over the past year. She is sassy and so smart! I am impressed with her language development, and it is so cute seeing her sign things (like "puppy" when she sees a dog walk by!). Seriously...smarty pants.

Ms. Aidan came to visit us for a few days in August, and we had SO much fun. We hit up this place called Kokomo Joe's and played arcade games, mini golf, and her and Dan go-karted. The next day we went to the science center to see the dinosaur museum. We ended her visit with the City Museum. She was terrified of most of the slides/things to climb on, but I think we finally got her excited to start trying some stuff before we left. She really loved the fountain she could walk through!

Josh and Michele had their wedding reception and Rylan's 2nd birthday party! It was fun to spend an entire weekend with that little guy. His personality is just blossiming, and he is so hilarious!

For our anniversary back in June, Dan got me tickets to Jason Aldean, and the show was finally at the end of August. SO. MUCH. FUN. It was so freaking hot...but it was fun! Tyler Farr opened, then FGL played. We really want to go see them again! They were so active and fun to watch! Jason was great, too, obviously! Dan and I totally need another couple to go to concerts with us. He enjoys standing completely still, but I need to dance and sing, which is obviously more fun with a friend doing the same thing ;)

A couple weekends ago, I went to Aidan's first game for cheerleading. She was SO absolutely adorable, and one of the few girls that seemed to actually KNOW the cheers. Smarty pants! Plus, watching her gave me a chance to hang out with Bug!

This weekend, Dan and I had a lovely outdoor Saturday date! We headed to the Loading Dock, a restaurant on the river, for lunch and drinks. Yum! Then we hit up Eckert's to pick apples and buy the BEST apple cider ever. It was a ton of fun. There was also a hiccup. When we were leaving The Loading Dock, we were boxed in. Not sure how anyone can park behind a car that is clearly parked behind another and think that is a good place to keep their car! If we would have been in Dan's old car, I am sure he would have backed right into it to prove a point...but he has a new car, so I had to help guide him out at this ridiculous angle between the car to our right and the one parked behind him. Good thing he is a good driver. And thank goodness no one else had parked next to the asshole behind us! He got through there, and then had to back into another row of cars to then finally back out onto an "aisle" that we could drive on. It was crazy, and I was super anxious standing behind him trying to help guide him out, but he was so sweet when we were finally driving and let me know that he "couldn't do it without [me]." I think he was lying, but I appreciated it ;)

I think that pretty much sums up life as of late!

I have also enjoyed pumpkin spice lattes and sweats. This is the best time of year. :)