Sunday, September 28, 2014

21 day fix.

Today I ordered the 21 Day Fix. I have been thinking about it for awhile, but I didn't make the jump because it seemed silly to spend $60 on tupperware when I can OBVIOUSLY handle portion control on my own.

Except I can't.

If I could, I wouldn't weigh MORE than I did when this year began. Last year, before our wedding, I lost 20 lbs. I kept most of it off until the holidays, but by January, I was back up 10 lbs. At the beginning of the year, I got back into working out regularly. On average, I work out 5 days a week. Consistently. Here I am sitting a good 5lbs heavier than I was on January 1. And no, it's not muscle. I mean, I guess there is a chance some of it is, but I also know I have gotten a good amount of flab back on my stomach that I had lost.

I don't care what the number on the scale is. Thankfully, I don't have an obsession with that. But I do use it as a tool to gauge where I am. Would I like it to read 110 lbs like it did the week I was married? Of course. I would also like it to read 105...haha. But if I get back down to 115 and my clothes fit better, and I don't have to pull my shirt off my fat when I sit down, I can live with that!

For the past 9 months, I have done the 30 Day Shred, T 25, HIIT, running, weights, other workout videos. I can do that. But I can't dedicate myself to not putting crap in my body.

So I ordered the 21 Day Fix because I need something more structured to follow. I am excited to give it a shot because I know I can do anything for 3 weeks. I will want to eat out. I will want starbucks. (And I think I can do that on the plan...? maybe? ...I still need to do some research, obviously.) But even if I can't, it's 3 weeks! And if I can, at least it will help to teach me some moderation.

If anyone has any good 21 day fix recipes, I would love for you to share!  ...or just any clean recipes that you love! I am always wanting to try new things at home :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about the 21 day fix, but if you want clean eating recipes, The Gracious Pantry blog is a great resource!
