Wednesday, November 20, 2013

tornado relief

On Sunday, devastating tornadoes went through central IL.  

Central IL is my home, and though all disasters break my heart, this one has been especially difficult.  Thankfully, my hometown was spared.  Normal experienced a lot of wind damage (e.g., trees and electrical poles down), but that is nothing compared to the devastation in Washington and Pekin.  

When we moved back from AL (where I was born), we lived in Peoria, IL.  My first memories are from there.  My grandfather, great aunt, and other extended family still live in the Peoria/Pekin/Washington area.  I know a teacher that works for the high school in Washington.

Maybe that's why this is tugging at my heart so much.  Maybe it's strange that hearing about this hurts my heart more than hearing about the tornadoes in Joplin and OK.  Maybe it's normal.  I don't know.

All I know is, I felt compelled to do SOMETHING.

So I bought a shirt - from hopefully a reliable place that will actually get the money to the Peoria Red Cross, like they claimed.
So I donated a monetary gift through my university.  I LOVE that they are taking collections to donate directly to the Peoria United Way.
So I will be donating cat and dog food to the drive at school because my heart is BREAKING for the animals.  Dan says my priorities are messed up, but I don't think so.  I can't imagine losing everything in a tornado, but losing my irreplaceable dog would make the whole ordeal 100xs worse.
So I will be donating some school supplies to my home parish, as they are collecting for a catholic school in Washington.

It isn't much.  But it's what I can do to try and help.  I encourage you all to see what you can do.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Prayers for the precious Brenna Bug!

If you are unaware, being an aunt is my favorite role that I have had in life.  It is such a blessing!  I have two beautiful nieces.  Aidan will be 7 in December, and Brenna is 4 months old!  They are absolute joys.

Aidan can talk my ear off, which I LOVE.  There is nothing in this world better than a big Aidan smile, hearing her say "Aunt Trisha!" and getting a huge hug from her.  Her and I have a special bond, I think, and I hope that we can continue to stay close as she gets older.  I pray that she always sees me as someone she can depend on and confide in.  I love that girl more than words!

Brenna, or Bug as her daddy has got us all to call her, is SO MUCH LIKE her big sister.  She is one of the sweetest, happiest babies I have ever known.  Cuddles with that girl make everything else that sucks in the world just disappear.  Even though I never want her to get any bigger than she is now, I can't wait to see her personality come out even more.  It will be so fun to watch her learn all about life and to see what she has in common with Aidan and what is dramatically different.

my favorite girls!
Bug at 2 months old!
with her moo cow from Aunt Moo!

I tell you this because that sweet, 4 month old, baby has been in the hospital for 18 hours hooked up to an IV!  She has been vomiting excessively, unable to keep any milk down, and is severely dehydrated.  So far, nothing has been determined as a cause, and though I am sure it is just a stomach bug, "just a stomach bug" is so bad for a little baby!  Currently, it seems all they can do is continue to pump her with fluids, even though I am sure the baby needs some nutrients/fuel to fight off whatever is making her sick.

I am not concerned that she won't make a full recovery quickly, but I do ask that you keep her, my brother, SIL, and precious Aidan in your thoughts and prayers, as I am sure this is scary for all of them.

Monday, November 11, 2013

motivation! (or lack thereof)

I am falling off the motivation wagon, people.  Barely hanging on at all!

I just don't care about what I am eating right now.  At all.  Since the beginning of Oct, it has been a huge struggle.  Then 2 weeks ago, I went a week and a half without working out.  Even Dan was all "I am pretty sure this is the longest you have gone without working out since January."  Called. Me. Out.  And with the exception of our honeymoon, homeboy is right.

I feel worse when I don't work out.  I am grouchy.  I am tired.  Blah blah blah.  People say that it takes ~21 days to develop a habit.  For over 10 months I have worked out 4-6 days a week, and it is NOT a habit yet.  What the heck?!  There have only been a handful of times that I really WANTED to work out.  I can't understand why this is still such a struggle for me.

The other day, I stepped on the scale.  The number is starting to creep back up.  SHOCKING!  (just kidding, obviously).  My 4'10 frame shows every one of those added pounds, too.

Hopefully I can find some motivation soon.  Maybe when the Halloween candy is finally gone, things will start to move in the right direction.  In the meantime, if anyone has any spare motivation, I will take it!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

chugging right along

Well, it has been a hot minute since I took some time to talk about life on here.  I have been just a smidgen busy.  School is crazy (which is what I always say...because it SO is!)  I am just trying to get through each day and make it to Thanksgiving.  After Thanksgiving, it will be 2 short weeks until Christmas break, and I will be able to remember all the things I enjoy about life.... ;)  Over that break, I will be graduating!  Which is pretty crazy.  I won't be done, yet, but you better believe I am going to rock that MS hood and pretend that I am done forever for about a month.  And I am going to LOVE it!

Since I am such a negative nancy, here are a few things that have made me smile over the past few weeks!

a wonderful visit from a wonderful friend!
It involved a winery, a haunted house, and lots of laughter!
a birthday dinner with my family!
It involved snuggles from an adorable almost 4 month old,
hugs from my favorite 6 year old, and lots of laughter
a new light fixture in our entry way!
I have hated that paper towel-looking light since we viewed the house!
2.5 years later (I think...) I convinced Dan that this fixture that was on sale
my Jeep entered semi-retirement.
we had our problems, but home girl struggled through nearly 50k in
less than 3 years.  she never left me stranded, so I appreciate that.
she will be sticking around for snowy days and dirty jobs ;)

but most of my time will be spent in this new-to-me Equinox!
PEOPLE.  I have NEVER driven a car this nice/upgraded.
I am feeling so incredibly blessed/spoiled, and loving every minute of it
So there's that.  Life isn't all bad.  Only school is bad.  It's just unfortunate that it takes up so much of my life.  I am in the home stretch, though, and the end goal is worth it!  In the mean time, I need to look for these little things that can bring me more smiles :)