Wednesday, November 6, 2013

chugging right along

Well, it has been a hot minute since I took some time to talk about life on here.  I have been just a smidgen busy.  School is crazy (which is what I always say...because it SO is!)  I am just trying to get through each day and make it to Thanksgiving.  After Thanksgiving, it will be 2 short weeks until Christmas break, and I will be able to remember all the things I enjoy about life.... ;)  Over that break, I will be graduating!  Which is pretty crazy.  I won't be done, yet, but you better believe I am going to rock that MS hood and pretend that I am done forever for about a month.  And I am going to LOVE it!

Since I am such a negative nancy, here are a few things that have made me smile over the past few weeks!

a wonderful visit from a wonderful friend!
It involved a winery, a haunted house, and lots of laughter!
a birthday dinner with my family!
It involved snuggles from an adorable almost 4 month old,
hugs from my favorite 6 year old, and lots of laughter
a new light fixture in our entry way!
I have hated that paper towel-looking light since we viewed the house!
2.5 years later (I think...) I convinced Dan that this fixture that was on sale
my Jeep entered semi-retirement.
we had our problems, but home girl struggled through nearly 50k in
less than 3 years.  she never left me stranded, so I appreciate that.
she will be sticking around for snowy days and dirty jobs ;)

but most of my time will be spent in this new-to-me Equinox!
PEOPLE.  I have NEVER driven a car this nice/upgraded.
I am feeling so incredibly blessed/spoiled, and loving every minute of it
So there's that.  Life isn't all bad.  Only school is bad.  It's just unfortunate that it takes up so much of my life.  I am in the home stretch, though, and the end goal is worth it!  In the mean time, I need to look for these little things that can bring me more smiles :)

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