Wednesday, April 30, 2014

current TV obsessions.

School is busy. My life is the same as it always is. Lately I have been living for sneaking in hours of my favorite shows. I wanted to share some of my current obsessions, in case anyone is missing out!

First - HIMYM. ugh. so not happy with the ending. That's all I will say about that.

Big Bang Theory - ALWAYS makes me laugh. Sheldon may be one of my favorite characters of all time.
Grey's Anatomy - I will admit, like every other fan, it used to be SO MUCH BETTER, but I have been watching for so long, and I am so invested, I can't let it go. I watch every week, and I have been in love with Alex for years. I don't want to hear anything about him being a bad guy. He can't fool me. I remember the skin-to-skin care he gave that preemie. He's a softy! The drama never fails to suck me in!

Game of Thrones - b/c...obviously! I can't get enough of the twists and turns. If you haven't watched it, you really just have to give it a try. I didn't think I would get in to it, but I was sucked in. The characters are so interesting. Not to mention, it makes me HATE some of the characters. I heard myself saying "I hope her throat gets sliced next" during the last episode. Totally not my normal reaction, but I have such strong feelings about these people!

Finally, a new favorite: Silicon Valley - this comes on right after GoT, and I laugh so hard that I cry during the episodes. It's about this geeky guy that created an app/software/something or other, and he is trying to get his company going. The one-liners in this are just too great. Seriously, go watch it. You wan't regret it.

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