Friday, April 15, 2011

the decision has been made.

It is official.  I will not be attending graduate school next year.  Indiana Sate (the only school I was even wait-listed at) sent me and email that all of their open positions have been filled.

Over the past few weeks, I have really gotten my hopes up.  Since I was in high school, I knew I wanted to be a Psychologist.  To me, it doesn't make sense that it is so hard for me to get there.  It's frustrating because I see my friends finding jobs already, and it makes me jealous.  I worked extremely hard all through college for this.  My sophomore year I took 18 credit hours each semester, worked 15 hours a week, and managed to get a 4.0 gpa.  Starting my junior year, you can add doing research to that list.  I barely had time to enjoy my college experience because I did everything that I could to build up my resume for graduate school.  It's a huge slap in the face that none of the schools I applied to recognized that hard work, and I don't feel like anyone really understands how I feel.  I can't just "find a job" because I have no desire to do anything I qualify for.  I don't want to use my degree to basically be a social worker driving around STL to deal with dysfunctional families.  I want to be able to do psychological assessments and psychotherapy.  How does a girl that graduated with a 3.93 gpa not qualify for a higher degree so I can reach that goal?

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