Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Change of pace...

So after being sufficiently upset about my PhD failure (at least, I'd like to think I'm over it...), I started thinking about doing a MA program in Counseling.  It's a different career path, that may or may not allow me to do all the things I want to do.  It will definitely earn me less money than a PhD, but it will earn me more than a BA.

The hardest part of all of this, is I feel like I cannot do what I WANT.  When we're kids, don't our parents tell us we can do anything we want, as long as we put our mind to it?  Well, I've put my mind to this.  I want to help people.  I want to get an education that allows me to work with offenders and those with addictions to help them straighten out their lives and better society as a whole.

Some day, I may still be able to get my PhD, but for now, to me, it makes more sense to continue my education along another degree path.  The other option is working crappy jobs for the next year that probably won't help me get into school in the future and won't pay me enough to pay for my school loans.  I think going to school and getting licensed as a professional counselor will allow me to do what I want, or at least get me closer.

There's a school in St. Louis that I can go to starting in August, if I want.  I need to try to figure out the finances, but right now, it's looking like my best option...

1 comment:

  1. i am glad that you at least have something to work with.... you never know where you are supposed to be or what you are supposed to do, but you will find it when you are meant to!
