Monday, February 10, 2014

busy bee

Today, without question, I have a case of the Mondays.  I try not to be such a debbie downer, but WHY must Mondays be so hard?!  I have said it before, and I will say it again...I am a girl that functions so much better on a 4 day-10 hr work week schedule.  This 5 days to get my 40 hours, plus homework, is for the birds!

20 hours of my week is spent in the clinic, where I am now.  How much I have to do really varies by the day and what we have going on.  Today was a busy day.  I had a lot of paperwork to do for a new client.  Also, I spent a lot of my day scoring rating scales for my practicum eval cases.  Super glad I had the opportunity to do that while here, but man, my day has been packed full.  I didn't eat lunch until 1:30!  Totally not like me.  I have also been wanting a Cherry Pepsi all day, but I haven't had time to go get it.  Now that I have a few minutes, I am blogging instead of starting my assessment report.  Typical.  Trisha.

In other news, the internship process is in full swing!  I have interviewed at one district, and I have an interview set up at another district!  I got a call Friday to set up an interview with a district close to my home town, but I don't know that we are going to be able to work out a time that works for me to travel up there :/  I also got a call this afternoon to schedule an interview at a district down here, but the only day they currently have for interviews is a day I will be in DC for NASP.  Which is the national conference for school psychs!  They should have checked that :/  She is going to call me back IF they can find another day to do it.  Fingers crossed they can, people!

So in summary ;)  I have 4 places that are at least interested in me based off my resume/application, so that's a good sign, right?!  Hopefully I will hear back from 3 others soon!

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