Saturday, August 24, 2013

Classin' up la casa de los Cleinmarks!

 Dan and I have lived in this house for a little over two years.  When we moved in, I had these wonderful visions / ideas.  I thought for sure that our house would look like it was out of a magazine.  I don't know what I was thinking.  We are messy.  We have WAY too much junk.  We have animals.  We have very little time to keep it in tip-top shape.  I feel like our living room / kitchen / dining room area always has stuff in it that just doesn't belong, and I hate that!  So recently, I have been working on keeping it clean - and making Dan do the same!  Oh, that screwdriver you had to use?  Well, I threw it into the garage, not sure where it landed.  Why, you ask?  BECAUSE IT DOESN'T BELONG ON MY KITCHEN ISLAND!  It is a work in progress.  So - along with trying to find a home for our abundance of stuff, I have been doing small things to try and make the house look more like the perfect home that I envision ;)
trying to add more cute decor!
this is technically for fall / halloween, but I was too excited to not put it up
I will be buying another vase to keep out the rest of the year :)
This used to be a stack of adds/phonebooks/junk - Dan's fire-starting pile
It took some convincing while in Michaels, but he finally agreed that putting the
papers in this storage bin would look 100xs better.
For 2 years, I dealt with this UGLY old alarm system panel on this "wall" -
It took Dan 5 minutes to get it off the wall -!
But then I could hang up a picture!  Looks SO much better!
We got these shelves for Christmas, and they have just been sitting in their box my living room...
But we finally got them hung up!  Now I need some cute decor pieces to cover them with :)

Dan had these shelves lined with liquor bottles we lived in a freaking frat house.
I replaced them with our "guestbook" wine bottles from the wedding!
dish soap in an olive oil dispenser - via pinterest
it's a small thing, but it does look a lot better sitting on the counter!
Nothing too fancy.  I still have a lot that I want to do, but slowly I am falling in love with our home again :)


  1. Hey Trisha! First off, I loved this post. I am all about decorating and "pinteresting" things around our new house too! Second, I wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words about Chordelia :) I was going to reply to you via email but you're a no-reply blogger :( I started following your blog as well, and I plan on checking it out so I can see your dog baby too!

    1. Thank you for letting me know! I had no idea that I was a "no-reply blogger." Hopefully I have that fixed! :)
