Tuesday, December 31, 2013

saying "bye" to 2013 & a memory jar!

At the end of the year, I always feel like "thank God 20__ is over!"  I'm not sure why...looking back on it, I can't pick out one year that was the worst year ever...but if often feels that way.  Maybe I am just always bummed that the holidays are over and that I have to go back to school...

Anyway, I wanted to TRY and remember a few wonderful things that happened in 2013!

- I was able to stop working part-time and focus on school!
- I was shown a ridiculous amount of love at all pre-wedding festivities (i.e., my shower & bachelorette party)
- I watched as my older brother graduated!
- I watched one of the best friends I have ever had marry her perfect guy!
- I became an aunt for the second time to a precious baby girl!
- We went to Punta Cana for 10 days!

Overall, it was a year filled with A LOT of love, laughter, and happiness, and I am so grateful for all the blessings we received!  I know I forgot a lot, though, so for 2014, Dan and I will be keeping track of our blessings!

Yesterday, I made a "blessings" / memories jar.  I painted a mason jar and added some stickers and ribbon!

cut up paper so that we can easily write down our blessings!

I was pretty happy with how it turned out for it being a quick craft with supplies I already had!  Beginning tomorrow, we will write down good things that happen, things that make us happy, and any other blessings that come our way.  At the end of 2014, we will be able to remember all of the wonderful things that happened, and maybe we won't be cursing the previous year for no reason at all ;)

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