Monday, October 7, 2013

solo weekend

Oh man, guys, I had THE BEST WEEKEND EVER.  OK...not really.  It was actually pretty lame, but I am going to tell you about it anyway!

Dan went out of town Thursday night and took our puppies.  He will be back sometime today, but it was so weird not having my dogs to keep me company!  Oh, and not having my husband home.... ;)

I spent 75% of said weekend grading WPPSI administrations, which are IQ tests that are given to kids between the ages of 2 and 7.  The children were so adorable and had the most hilarious responses.  Seriously, if I could get hired by a district to do their early childhood assessments for children they are concerned about, I would jump on that job in a heartbeat.  I LOVE listening to little kids tell me the things they know.  They are so proud and so accomplished when they look at that picture and know it's a guitar.  It's the little things ;)

Cleaning also took place this weekend.  A lot of cleaning.  I hate cleaning.  Our guest bedroom was still FULL of wedding stuff, though, and we have guests coming for the next 3 weekends, so I HAD to de-clutter.  A lot of stuff was thrown away, the closet was organized, and the vacuum was ran on the poor floor that hadn't seen the light of day in probably almost a year.  It looks great now, though!  You can actually walk in it, and guests will have floor space to throw their suitcases!  Win.

I also got the living/dining/kitchen area all picked up.  It's amazing what a woman can do when the husband isn't here to make it all messy 5 minutes later!

I also put wedding pictures in all of our new frames.  There are still frames to be bought, but I am caught up.  Now to build more walls so that we actually have somewhere to hang them all...

Sunday, after having successfully talked myself OUT of working out the past 2 days, I hit the pavement treadmill.  I really need to get back to running a few days a week because my current schedule of kickboxing, bootcamp, and running only once or twice is making me hate my runs even more.  2 miles feels like death.  So yesterday I did some intervals, changing between 3.2, 5.6, and 6.  I spent most of my time on 6, so no judging ;)  But getting to 3 miles with even a few minutes of 3.2 walking was HARD.  And I am sore today.  Oh dear.

Finally!  I went grocery shopping.  Alone.  Which I also hate ;) so that I could make chili for my hubby to come home to.  And I talked myself into ingredients for a few other meals this week because I should probably go back to cooking and not eating mac n cheese and frozen pizzas (like I did all weekend...oops).

Anyway.  That's enough rambling.  Check out my pictures from the weekend that SCREAM Fall! :)
Fall/Halloween decorations and chili!
My house was oozing Fall last night!

First really Fall outfit!
I plan to wear variations of this over the next few weeks!

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