Tuesday, October 8, 2013

stress city.

It is NOT a good day when you are in tears three times before noon.

School. Sucks.

And that's about all I have to say about that.

Who am I kidding?

I also have a headache.  Probably a little from crying...and I also think I am having some serious sinus pressure.

Also. Also. Dan brought home candy from his dad and stepmom.  Thank God.  That chocolate is helping.

As did the margarita I had with lunch.

Gotta do what you gotta do.

Just cross your fingers, please, that at some point BEFORE Christmas (because I really don't think I am going to make it that long before a legit nervous breakdown) school stops being so ridiculously crazy.  I just need things to actually start falling into place for my required practicum projects.

And now I need some headache medicine.

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