Sunday, October 13, 2013

workouts as of late

I have been struggling in the motivation department, lately.  And the food department.  So I haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks (I typically weight myself once a week).  I don't see a reason, currently, to confirm what I know.  If I keep at it, I will be packing on some holiday weight before any holidays start!

Tracking my workouts has continued to help me, though.  I put a workout "task" on my google calendar for each day at the beginning of the month, and my current goal is to work out 4 days a week.  Because really, what excuse do I have?  From Jan-May, I worked out 5-6 days a week, so I can handle 4, dangit!  For me, checking off each workout feels good, and I like looking at the week and month view to see how successful I have been.

This week (10/6-10/12), I worked out 5 days!

Sunday - treadmill intervals and some dumbbell work
Monday - the sworkit app (it's my lazy workout...but it's a workout!)
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - treadmill
Thursday - bootcamp!  Which I have been LOVING!
Friday - off
Saturday - treadmill intervals to 2.25 miles and some dumbbell work

I also got a head start on this week and did some sprints on the treadmill today before working arms on the total gym and finishing with some squats.

I am not too interested in switching up my food right now.  So many things sound WAY too wonderful, so if I want them, I am pretty much giving in.  Hopefully I am burning enough calories to at least stay pretty stable and not pack on the weight before Christmas.  I am currently about 15 lbs lighter than I was in last year's Christmas pictures, so I would like to keep it that way!

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