Monday, March 17, 2014


The last two weeks were ridiculously stressful.  Making life-altering decisions is not easy for me, especially when you consider that I can never even decide where to go out to dinner.

I am going to run you through this, so try to bare with me.  There were 4 districts that ended up making me offers for an internship.  I interviewed with that's pretty good!  Anyways, let's call these districts A, B, C, and D.

As a reminder...districts could offer positions at any time, we could turn down positions at any time, but we were not allowed to accept a position until 3/14.

On Tuesday 3/4, district A called me first thing in the morning.  They put me on speaker phone, told me I was their top candidate, and wanted to know if I would accept the position on the 14th.  (umm...already blurring the lines there, A!)  I told them I was excited that they called, and I was interested.  After some awkward follow-ups, like, who else I am waiting to hear back from and when I will decide, I was able to get off the phone.

Later that night, I found out that I was on district D's list, but not one of their top choices.  If enough people turned them down, they would offer to me.  I was heartbroken.  I may have cried.  Multiple times that night.  It's hard when you decide somewhere is a place you REALLY want to be, and then realize it is very likely that you won't have the chance to be there.  I didn't eat dinner that night, just ice cream.  Goodness, I have healthy coping skills.

I also got an email that day from district C.  They wanted to interview me on 3/12.  Little behind in the game, but after D had crushed my soul, I figured it couldn't hurt to go up there (about 3 hours north) to see what they had to offer.  Dan and I have talked about moving back home before, so interning with this district could really give me the chance to see how things work in central IL to help me decide if it was a place I wanted to be.

On Thursday 3/6, district B made me an offer.  I love the psychs at B, so I was excited.  The phone call was pleasant, and I was happy to hear from them.  

Then, I was sick to my stomach for 5 days.  I could not decide which place to turn down.  I knew I didn't want to hold on to both offers because me turning it down would allow a classmate to get an offer.  My head and my heart wanted two different things, and it was a tough freaking choice.  On Monday 3/10, district A called me again to see if I had decided what I wanted to do next year.  I reminded them that I could not accept a position until the 14th.  The following day, they emailed district B saying that I had an "attitude" because I had so many offers and that they were tired of people picking B over A.  When I got this news, I called A to tell them I had another offer that would work better for me.  It solidified the idea that I don't want to work for a district that would act like that.

It was decided, I was going to B!  I was OK with it.  I felt relieved and happy that the decision was over.

On Wed 3/12, I went up and interviewed with district C.  Later that night, C offered me a position!  And the nausea was back.  Making decisions is hard, people!  I thought about it all night, but I finally decided to go with C.  I knew I would be happy at B, so this was tough, but I thought that with C, I would have more variety, and I would have the chance to see if living back home is something we really want to do.  I called B to decline the offer on 3/13.

This is where it gets interesting.  As I was telling all my family that I would be moving back, B called a classmate of mine and offered him the position, my classmate then called district D and turned down the offer they had for him.  District D then called me to make me an offer!

I WAS SO EXCITED.  This was my TOP choice.  This is where I wanted to be, and finally I had an offer from them!  I quickly told my entire family and all of my friends that I had lied to them.  I would be staying right where I am and interning at district D for the next school year!

So that's that.  I turned down district C, and I am happy to report that I get to stay at my current practicum site for the entire 14-15 school year!

It is such a relief that the process is over.  Even though we will have to repeat it next year for an actual job, I am happy to know that I will be at a place I enjoy all of next year, and I know I am going to learn a TON about being a school psych!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So happy for you! Don't you just love when things turn out for the best?
