Monday, March 24, 2014

I weigh the exact same as I did a year ago...

I keep a weight log.  Is that weird?  I started it last January because let's be real, I don't ever see changes in pictures.  The scale is not the most reliable way to gauge my success...I know that, but I also depend on it to keep me accountable.  Thankfully, I don't let the scale have TOO much power over least I don't think I do.  My weight is what it is, but when I see it creeping back up, it's a reminder that I can't eat whatever the heck I want and maintain a healthy weight.

Last year, when I got married, I was down to 110lbs from 130lbs in Jan 2013.  (Remember, I am 4'10...that is a "healthy" weight for me, according to BMI charts).  I currently weigh 119lbs.  "Down" from 120.  Which means from June-Dec, I gained 10 lbs.  Which is exactly what I told myself I wouldn't do.  Since January, I have been working out consistently again, but my weight has not changed at all.  It is frustrating, but it is totally my fault.  So now it's time to call myself out!

-I cannot eat out multiple times a week.  Turns out going over your calories EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. does not allow one to lose any weight.
-I cannot eat frozen/pre-packed food ALL THE TIME.
-I cannot keep buying ice cream ... because eating a quart in a week is BAD FOR ME!
-I cannot load up my plate with all the yummy white carbs.
-I cannot have weeks where I only workout once or twice.

-I NEED to find a healthy calorie intake for someone my size and stick to it.
-I NEED to incorporate more veggies into my diet.
-I NEED to find some easy, healthy recipes that I can make quickly...and that I actually like.

Most importantly, I need to remember that my body is capable of thinning out.  That I am capable of being disciplined enough to lose the weight and be healthy.  I have done it before, I can do it again.

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