Monday, June 17, 2013

Why we're waiting.

So when everyone tells you that once you're married, EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM wants to know when you are going to start popping out kids, they aren't lying.  My grandpa asked my mom, as I was standing there, "so when is she going to have a baby?" Hey! I am right here.  Also, not yet.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I can barely wait to be a mom.  Dan and I want a family.  He is going to be such a great father.  Seeing him with Aidan as she has grown up, really showed me that he will love playing with his kids, but he will know when it is time to be serious.  I also like to believe that I will be an OK mom ;)

But here is the deal - I can't be the best mom I can be until I graduate and get a job.  I was not happy with my career options with my bachelor degree, so I am back in school getting my Master's in Clinical Child Psychology and my Specialist in Education for School Psychology.  With another year of classes, and an entire school year of internship to go, now is not the time to have a baby.  School is hard enough as it is ;)  Plus, I don't think having a big ol' prego belly when I am applying for either internship or a real job will help me get said internship or job.  To me - having a career is important.  I need to do this so that I feel fulfilled, and that will allow me to be the best mom I can be, when the time comes.  With my career path, I will be on a school schedule, so it will work out perfectly as our children get older.

After school, when I have a job, we will decide when the right time to start our family is :)  And though we are excited for that chapter of our lives, we are going to enjoy just being an "us" for a little while longer!

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