Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 day weekends should be mandatory!

I know a lot of people say that -- but really.  I thrive on the 4 days on, 3 days off schedule.  When I worked full time, we did 4 -10 hour days, and it was fabulous!  My first semester of grad school, I always had Fridays off (granted, I was still working part-time), but it really is best-case scenario for me.  I woke up bright eyed (after barely sleeping...I'll get to that), ready to go -- I even left early so I could drive completely out of my way for a Pumpkin Spice Latte.  Let me tell you...it was TOTALLY worth it!  It tasted better than I remembered...which is saying A LOT because I love those things, but I guess 9 months (give or take) without something really makes you forget just how wonderful it is.  So glad it exceeded my expectations.  But anyway- as I ramble.  I am so grateful we had yesterday off.  When it is time for me to find a big girl job, maybe I can find a school that is in session 4 days a week instead of 5 ;)  (because clearly summers off just isn't enough!  give me an inch....)

We had a pretty uneventful weekend.  I got some shopping and crafts done, while Dan built us new stairs for the deck.  There is this research project/paper that I should have really made some headway on...but clearly I am a procrastinator.  Dangit.

Last night the weather was beautiful, so we took the pups for a walk (since I was lame and procrastinated working out ALL day).  We might be bad "parents," as this is not a regular thing in our house....but they have a huge backyard to run around in, and we play fetch with them often.  Plus they have each other.  I promise, they get a lot of exercise and are constantly getting their energy out!  But we went.  It was about a 2 mile walk, and when I got home, I realized my flip flops - that I have been wearing ALL summer - rubbed the tops of my feet raw.  Same spot on both feet.  What. The. Heck.  Not sure how shoes I have literally worn every day have decided that now is the time to SUCK, but I was not pleased.  My feet hurt so bad, I couldn't sleep.  True story.  They were BURNING every time they touched anything, and I can't sleep on my back without a cover....so basically, they were constantly touching something.  I got up at one point and put ointment on them, and that seemed to help for a bit, but I had to get back up again later and try band-aids.  I felt like such a pansy.  haha.  I was finally able to get some sleep, though.  Shoes were not fun this morning, that's for sure!

The PSL helped.  A lot.  And a pretty yellow leaf fell on my windshield while waiting for said PSL - so things are looking up, people ;)

1 comment:

  1. Pumpkin Spice Lattee say what!! I'm so glad you finally got one, they definitely are worth the wait :)
