Wednesday, September 11, 2013

my run

Quick-ish funny story before I tell you all about my run last night.

My lovely husband of 3.5 months does not like wearing his wedding ring because "it is going to get all scratched up!"  Me telling him that it doesn't matter, and in 50 years it should look worn, has yet to change his mind.  He takes it off as soon as he gets home from work.  When it is time for us to leave, either for a weekend home, the store, dinner, whatever, I just stand there and stare at him until he goes "oh shoot!" and runs to the bathroom to get his ring.  Homeboy wanted one of the more expensive choices.  He better freaking wear it!

Well, Monday morning I saw it sitting in our bathroom after he left for work, so I hid it.  Maybe the fear of "losing it" would make him realize it should stay on his hand!  He didn't say anything to me about it Monday night, but yesterday morning he tried to casually bring it up, but I could tell he was nervous when he said "um...any chance you have seen my wedding ring?"  I just smiled, and he knew that I had.  He had apparently been looking all over in places he could have left it.  I brought it to him, and he put it on, and when I got home last night, it was still on!  Hopefully this is progress ;)

Monday night I had kickboxing, and I was still feeling it a tad bit last night, so I thought I would go downstairs and run a mile on the treadmill.  As soon as I got on the thing, though, I realized a mile is kind of lame when I KNOW I can go further, so I decided to do some intervals.  I walked 2 min, which always gets me up to .1 miles, and that's how I typically warm up.  Then I turned it up to 5.0 for a min, then 6.0 for 2 min, 7.0 for a min, 6.0 for 2 min, 5.0 for a min, and 3.5 for a min....then back up to 5.0 to repeat.  I went through this 4 times.

The first round, my calves were cramping up.  I thought about stopping because they felt so tight, but when I got to my 3.5 walk, they felt slightly better, so I went on to my second round.  My calves were still tight, and then I got a side cramp.  So far it was a pretty lame run.  Third round my calves felt OK, but I still had the side cramp and then another cramp right under my left lung.  Originally I was going to stop there, but I thought I could make myself go 4 rounds, so I did.  Besides the fact that I was completely out of breath, my body stopped hurting on round 4!

I made it a total of 3 miles, and by my calculation, I probably only walked about .3 miles of that.  I have definitely  never run 2.7 miles before, so it is a little bit of progress!  I am still working toward my goal of being able to run a 5k, so hopefully that will happen eventually!  With cooler weather coming, I am going to attempt to run outside more, which is going to be a lot harder for me, but I think the payoff will be better!

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