Monday, September 9, 2013

the weekend

Hello, all!  I apologize for my rant in my previous post.  Pet peeves, you know.  Can't we just all be cordial to each other?!
my big brother sent this to me on facebook ;)
I would say it is completely accurate!

Anyway- the weekend is over.  It seemed to fly by, as it typically does.  Two days just aren't enough.

On Friday afternoon, I made two peach cobblers.  Yep.  Because I was given the task to make one for my grandpa's birthday, so I wanted to make 1.5.  I wanted .5 to keep here because I can't make peach cobbler and give ALL of it away.  So as I was measuring out stuff for my .5, I realized I put almost double the amount of milk in the first one as I was supposed to.  dangit.  It was heart breaking.  I continued to bake it, and Dan says it tastes fine, but doesn't.  The second one was a success, but I just had a tiny bit at the party.  Such a let down ;)

Friday night, Dan and I went to dinner at Chilis.  They have skillet cookies now!  What?!  I was SO excited.  You better believe I ate more than my fair half ;) I fell asleep almost immediately after getting home.  Guess that's what a fairly large margarita and too much skillet cookie will do to a lady!

Saturday was my grandpa's 86th birthday.  I woke up and got my sweat on for a bit before we drove over 2 hours to good ol' Lincoln for his par-tay.  I use the term loosely.  But.  There was good food, and I got to cuddle my precious niece, who is 2 months old!  I can't believe it.  She is just too cute for words.  My other adorable niece was also there, but now that she is 6, she wanted to be outside running around with all the bigger kids.  They grow so fast!

Brenna Bug has Uncle Joshy wrapped around her little fingers ;)

I am pretty obsessed with her, too!
Sunday was full of reading, reading, reading for class.  Oh joy!  I did manage to sneak in a fun little craft to keep me from going insane.  I also painted my toes - light pink.  I am crazy, I tell you.  I am so excited it is almost Fall, but as I as choosing a color, I was nostalgic about it being the last time I would use a summer-y color.  I just can't make up my mind, apparently!  Oh.  Also, we ate like crap all day yesterday, so there's that :)
Pink toes!
Spray painted wine bottles to look like candy corn!
In a few weeks, these suckers will be on my mantel with my "BOO"
pumpkins!  Can't wait!
 In summary, I consumed WAY too many delicious calories and only worked out once this weekend.  Oops.  But today, kickboxing starts back up on campus, so my friend and I are going.  It's our favorite class, and it is going to kick my ass.  I can't wait!

Happy Monday!


  1. i LOVE the candy corn bottles! good for you waiting a month to put them up... i wanted about 5 minutes then decided to screw it and put them up now!

  2. Gahhh I love the spray painted wine bottles! Guess I'm gonna have to drink a few bottles to do the same ;)
