Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Yesterday, my friend and I went to the kickboxing workout class on campus.  We went weekly in the spring, so we were happy to see that it fit into our schedule this semester.  Kickboxing is so much fun!  We wear gloves and mitts and practice combinations of punches and kicks.  Not only is it a great way to get out weekly frustrations, but it is an awesome workout.  I am feeling it this morning!

I love having someone that I know wants to workout with me at least one day a week.  The accountability helps a lot.  Did I really want to stick around campus until a 6pm class.  No.  Would I had I known no one would be there to notice?   Absolutely not.  It makes me grateful that she was depending on me to go as much as I was depending on her.

Accountability is a great thing.  There are a few friends I follow on My Fitness Pal, and typically, that helps keep me accountable, as well.  They can see what I am eating.  They can see if I am over my calorie goal.  It doesn't always help, but usually it does.  It is also nice that they leave encouraging thoughts, and that I can do the same!

We also text about our workouts.  Holding each other accountable encourages us both.  You totally don't want to be the person that hasn't worked out AT ALL when your friend just ran a 5k...

Sometimes I think it would be nice if Dan could be my accountability partner - I mean, he lives here...  But I realize that would actually probably suck a lot.  It just doesn't work for us.  We enjoy randomly playing tennis or going for a run, but if I had to workout with Mr. "Oh!  I did 8 pullups and 20 pushups today!" daily, I would freak.  1 - how in the world can you just jump up and do 8 pullups, you NEVER workout!  2 - that is not even a workout!  jerk! ;)  Must be nice to have the metabolism of a young male!

I encourage you to take advantage of others ;)  for accountability purposes!  Find someone to workout with once a week, text your friends!  Encourage each other to be better versions of yourselves! 


  1. People always underestimate the power of accountability. I am like you in the my boyfriend is not into fitness so to him its like "cool. good for you. you know you don't have to do that". Ummm...I know but I like doing it! I have friends that are into fitness but our schedules are so weird. Ultimately though, I rely on myself and I have become my own best cheerleader! :)

    Maria @ A Good Life

  2. i am with you on the not working out with your hubby. Kel turns into mr. "drop and give me 20" and i can not deal with it. instead of motivating me he pisses me off and i give up.

    but friends are great. i am thinking when you visit next time instead of a coffee date we should have a walking date!

    1. A walking date sounds wonderful! We are still thinking we are going to try to come for Kel's birthday! We should probably actually decide for sure on that sometime soon ;) I need a Sara and Cecelia fix, bad!
